i hate you

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— I hope they have something I can eat.
— What do you mean?
— I am vegetarian.
— You're a what?
— I don't eat meat.
— How can you not eat meat?
— I just don't.
— Дед, он вообще никакого мяса не ест.
— Чего??
— No meat?
— No meat.
— Steak?
— No.
— Chickens?
— No.
— And what about the sausage?
— No... No, meat.
— Дед, он говорит, что он мяса не ест.
— Даже колбасу?
— Да я же говорю...
— Он что, больной что ли?
— What's wrong with you?
— Nothing. I just don't eat meat.

Can't nobody love you,
Like I'm loving you, baby.
Cause they don't know how
To love you like I do.

I'm going to love you in the morning,
Love you late at night.
I ain't going to stop loving you
Till you tell me everything's alright.

Sam bought you cake and ice cream
Called you cherry pie.
Ray Charles called you his sunshine,
But you're the apple,
Apple of my eye, oh.